eLearning Consulting

“eLearning is a complex web of technology, content and pedagogy.

Before you come to know success or otherwise of your initiative, you may have ploughed in substantial time and money and then realised there was a ‘better way’! Progressive organisations seek guidance of experts to ensure faster deployment, lower costs and higher acceptability among users”

Shailesh H. Mehta
- eLearning & Vocational Education Evangelist, Founder CEO - GOLS EdTech

Even though most organisations recognise the benefits and importance of eLearning, they are still not sure of how to implement it successfully.

They have doubts about the acceptability of eLearning. They are also worried about those stakeholders who might feel threatened by eLearning and hence will oppose eLearning implementation.

Besides, there is lack of clarity on total cost involved and how to measure the benefits or effectiveness of eLearning. All these have delayed their decision to implement eLearning. For starters eLearning implementation is easiest when it is done to address business problems such as:
  • Roll out of enterprise systems like ERP or SCM etc
  • On-going training of a geographically dispersed admin / sales / technical services force for sales / product / process training
  • To slash time-to-market for a new product
  • To deliver induction programs for new employees
  • To convert existing distance learning programs to online ones of any academic organisations
However, enterprise eLearning for any organisation is a complex issue. This requires deep understanding of objectives of eLearning.
We also need to consider target audience, cultural and infrastructure issues both at the delivery and at user-ends. Besides, one needs to figure out the best way to deliver eLearning that addresses the needs of different stakeholders in the organisation, be it employees, dealers, customers or even shareholders.

Most organisations also feel that the first step to start eLearning is to buy an LMS and go about calling for demos and tenders to buy LMS! Unfortunately, this approach breeds in-built delay in the implementation and entails substantial costs. While this may be the correct approach in some cases, the same may not be true in many others. Understandably, complex issues are best handled by an expert who can offer the required professional services.

eLearning roll out is an intricate process that involves defining a roadmap, developing eLearning programs and delivering them using appropriate technology. If done haphazardly or, without the guidance of multi-disciplinary experts, it could end up as a failed initiative.

Our services include:

  • Pre-consulting, Consulting, strategy and services
  • Formulating an eLearning blueprint
  • eLearning adoption
  • Return on Investment (ROI) calculations

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